Architectural Concrete

High end custom concrete polishing services to your interior and exterior furnishings and architectural concrete pieces such as: benches, tables, baths, and fire hearths

The quality, beauty and durability of concrete as a furnishing is often overlooked. A highly burnished concrete kitchen bench adds an elegant feature to your kitchen. A gorgeous smooth and deep concrete bath adds a luxuriant feel to the bathroom with better thermal mass than a plastic or metal tub; holding the heat for longer. A polished concrete fire hearth is an affordable and practical architectural fixture in your home. If you have a concrete table top that is a little rough around the edges, a polish will give it new life.

There is nothing like the cool and almost silky touch, the contradictory softness of polished concreted furnishings and fixtures. With over 10 years experience in concrete polishing, we have a wealth of knowledge and skill to complete your polishing project to perfection.