Frequently Asked Questions

  • A full mechanical polish on the average 200m2 house will typically take a week to complete

  • A full mechanical polish is generally in the range of $80-$110 per square metre.

    A grind and seal is generally $50-$80 a square metre.

    There are many variables so speak to me about your project before you commit to anything.

    • Variables include: Indoor or out, new builds are  ground before the walls are erected saving considerable time and money.

    • Area:  Large areas can be ground with greater efficiencies thus reducing the costs on a square metre basis.

    • Edge grinding, lots of walls and difficult to reach areas mean more time on small handheld machines thus increasing costs.

    • Access: The grinding equipment is large and heavy so if you’re on the third floor with no lift costs will increase.

  • We are based in Castlemaine but service the entire country including Melbourne, Bendigo, Ballarat.

  • I have made it to specialty to save heavily damaged old floors.

    Broken and cracked floors can be recovered (take a close-up photo of the damage and send it to me).

    Old home mixed concrete with little cement content (loose dusty surface) can even be saved and made to look beautiful.

    Carpet glue, remains of underlay, coatings (paint, a epoxy, polyurethane) and tile adhesives can all be removed with the grinding process.

    Uneven floors- if the floor has cracked and dropped away from the original level it is often possible to rectify with a high strength pourable grout which is allowed to harden and then ground with the rest of the floor.

    Steps, shelves, fire hard can all be polished.

    Dust-Yes there is dust, it is controlled with industrial vacuums connected to the grinder itself.

  • Mechanically polished concrete can be finished to any desired level from a satin finish to a full gloss.

    • Grind and seal

    • A Topical sealer is available in either a matt finish or a full gloss

  • Both mechanically polished concrete and coated floors retain a level of slip resistance which makes them safe when wet.

  • Generally A floor that is fully exposed to the weather will require a coating such as a polyurethane.