New Concrete Slabs

The most efficient way to grind a new slab is before building work starts, with the option of a polish after the internal walls are in and before the skirting boards and architraves are added. Clients can choose from a few different polishing treatments to a new concrete slab.

Salt and Pepper Finish

Once the concrete slab is cured we can give you a salt and pepper finish if you so choose. The salt and pepper effect is attained by grinding 1-2mm off the top of the slab to reveal the sands in the concrete with only a minimum of aggregate visible.

Surface Polish

This is where there is nil exposure of aggregate after the polishing treatment. A slab that requires this treatment needs to be screed completely flat so no inconsistencies appear during the polishing phase. The concrete slab is highly burnished for an even and consistent appeal. This is great for clients who want an industrial and uniform look to their floors. There are mitigating factors that influence the outcome of this type of polishing treatment such as weather conditions and time it took to pour and cure the slab. We endeavour to capture the look as close to your expectations as possible and provide the highest quality finish.

Random Exposure Finnish

Random exposure is a mix of nil to full exposure of the aggregate in the slab. It is accomplished by grinding 2-3mm off the surface of the floor. This can be done on pre-existing slab floors and the newly poured. Uneven slabs, with high and low spots are the easiest floor to achieve this finish with a grinder.

Full Aggregate Exposure Finish

Full aggregate exposure is a solid base colour with full exposure of the aggregate after the polish is complete. Up to 5mm of is ground off the top of the concrete slab so as much of the aggregate is exposed as possible. There are many colours of aggregate to choose from so you can tailor the look of your floor as you like it. Combinations of coloured aggregate and cement pigments give you limitless options to effect the look of your floor.

Pavilion Finish for Your Outdoor Areas

Your outdoor pavements, such as the poolside, driveway and patio areas are where you would use the Pavilion treatment. This non slip finish is achieved by grinding the surface of the concrete to expose the aggregate, then acid washed to etch the concrete body. This is an attractive treatment plus a pleasant and smooth surface to walk on for your outdoor area.